The long-running series, which has been on the air since 2002, has only featured three openly LGBTQ+ contestants: Jaimi King was open about her bisexuality on Nick Viall's season and Alexa Caves from Peter Weber's season described herself as sexually fluid. If you're looking for some LGBTQ+ reality dating shows for your next dose of relationship drama, there are a lot of hidden gems that are worth checking out.Ĭonversations about the need for increased diversity in mainstream dating shows have been ongoing for years, especially in terms of The Bachelor. But while these may be the biggest names in the reality TV game, there are plenty of shows that embrace all kinds of love.
Genre juggernauts like The Bachelor and Love Island have yet to prominently feature LGBTQ+ contestants, and even more recent hits like Love Is Blind and Too Hot To Handle center heavily on heterosexual romance. Reality TV has been making steady progress in terms of representation, but when it comes to dating competition shows, the big names are still overwhelmingly heterosexual.